To create a WBS Level 1:
- Expand WBS by click clicking on the plus sign.
- Click on Level1
- Click the on Add
- Level1 Code* - Enter in a unique identifer for the Level1 ID. This field is limited to 20 characters.
- Main WBS* - Select a Main WBS in the drop down menu
- Name* - Enter a name to identify Level 1. This field is limited to 100 characters.
- Level1 Type* - Select a WBS type in the drop down menu
- Level1 Flag* - Select a WBS flag in the drop down menu
- Operating Unit* - Select a Operating Unit in the drop down menu
- Department - Select a Department in the drop down menu
- Billable* - Select one of the options below:
- Yes if this WBS level is billable.
- No if this WBS level is not billable.
- Currency* - Select a currency in the drop down menu
- Allow Entry For* - Select a currency in the drop down menu
- Time/Expense - If both time and expenses can be charged to this level 1.
- Expense Entry - If only expenses can be charged to this level 1
- Time Entry - If only time can be charged to this level 1.
- Restrict Access* - (See WBS Assignment below)
- Yes - To restrict charging time and expenses to this WBS level to only employees specifically assigned to it.
- No - All employees to be permitted to charge time and/or expenses to this WBS level.
- Required Next*
- Yes - Requires employees to select a level 2 WBS when charging time and expenses to this level 1.
- No - Optional for employees to charge time and expenses to this level 1 without also having to select a level 2.
- Available Next* - Select whether you want the next level to be available.
- Open Date - Click on the calendar icon or key in the date on which employees may begin entering time and/or expenses against the WBS Level. The WBS Level will not be available for selection during Time/Expense entry prior to the date in this field. If this field is left blank, the WBS Level is available after it has been saved to the database.
- Close Date - Click on the calendar icon or key in the date after which employees may no longer enter time and/or expenses against the level 1. The level 1 will not be available for selection during Time/Expense entry after this date. If this field is left blank, the WBS Level is available indefinitely, so long as it remains active.
- Explanation* - Select if an explanation is required or optional (this option is only for Time)
- Restrict Function* - Select if you want to restrict to WBS Function, Global, or Both.
- Description - Enter a description for this WBS Level 1.
- Click the Save
* Indicates a required field