Favorites allows you to save frequently used WBS/OBS combinations without having to re-key the same codes into the timesheet each reporting period. Once saved, you can copy these lines into a timesheet from your favorites. To view your list of favorites, click the Favorites tab
- Click the Favorites tab to access your list of saved timesheet WBS/OBS combinations
- Find the desired line to be added
- Click the to your timesheet. icon to add the line
Enable or Disable Auto Fill Manually
To enable the lines on the Favorites manually instead of on submit:
- Click the Favorites tab to access your list of saved timesheet WBS/OBS combinations
- Find the desired line to be added
- Click the link and then click on On or Off for Auto Fill.
Deleting Lines from Your Favorites
In user preferences their are two settings that user needs to enable or disable depending on how they want to set the auto population of the timesheet.
- Auto populate lines from the Favorites for new timesheets - Yes - It is set to yes that means any time you open a new timesheet the system will auto insert any lines in Favorites that set to auto fill to Yes. No - Do not auto insert any lines from Favorites to the timesheet.
- Copy lines to the Favorites on timesheet release - Yes means on submit the system will take the lines with hours > 0 and insert them in the Favorites and set them to auto-fill for next timesheet. If set to No, the default it will not set the Favorites on submission unless the user click on submit "Remember timesheet lines for next period"