How to update user preference for all users?

How to update user preference for all users?


I wold like change a user preference but not for a specific user, it is actually for all users, how do I do that?



For example let's assume you want to change the Timesheet OBS/WBS Column Width" for all users.

From admin section, you can go to the Options->T&E Prefernces, and scroll to page two and find line called ‘Timesheet OBS/WBS Column Width’.  Select that line, and from there you can set the value from 120 to some larger value.  This changes only the OBS/wbs (project, cost category) columns and not the Time Code column (this change not available).

Once you have saved the new value, that change will take effect only for new employees that are added to your application. 

To make that value change apply to all existing users, after making the value change, select the ‘Reset All User Preferences’.  *Note- by selecting ‘Reset All User Preferences’ you will reset all users preferences across the system to the system default settings.  Any users who may have made changes to their personal ‘my preference’ settings will have those changes set back to defaults.


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