Guide to Create a Role and Assign to User
Guide to Create a Role and Assign to User
Step 1: Create a role
- Expand Security by clicking on the plus sign.
- Click Role Manager
- Click on the Add button.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Name*: Enter a name for this role
- For example, you could call it "Audit" for the auditors.
- Operating Unit: If a role needs to be restricted to a specific operating unit, then select a value in this field. This will allow access to data related to the selected operating unit.
- Department: If a role needs to be restricted to a specific department, then select a value in this field. This will allow access to data related to the selected department.
- Group*: Select a group if the role needs to be restricted based on a group user is apart of. This only impacts the Expense and Time access and not the set up of the application. Make sure that the access list is restricted to avoid unwanted changes.
- My Department - This only allows role user to view the users that are apart of the department that they approve for in the application. The approval has to be set up under Department →Approval Flow.
- My Reports/Timesheet - This only allows role user to view your own expense reports and timesheets.
- My Proxy - This only allows the role user to view the expense reports and timesheets related to those they have proxy access for in the application.
- My Team - This only allows role user to view expense reports and timesheets of those users that they approval for in the application.
- Read Only: If this box is checked, all access to Admin will be read only and will not allow editing of data.
- Introduction: A brief description of the role.
- Name*: Enter a name for this role
- Click Save to save this role.
- Notice that the split screen opens and a new tab appears, called Access List.
- Click on Access List. This is where you will specify what access the role will have within Admin.
- Click on the Add button.
- Select the items that the user will be able to see from this list (Notice there is more than one page). SEE TABLE BELOW.
- For Example, if I want to create a role for those auditors where they can only search and view expense reports, I would select the following:
- util - ExpenseSearch
- Click OK
- After the role is set up, you just need to assign it to the users that are going to be in that role.
- Employee.AdminRole.ReadOnly - Role allows user full admin access to Add, Modify and Delete, but restricts the ability to give or modify users 'Admin Role'.
- Employee.TEAccess.ReadOnly - Role limits employee time and expense right to 'Read Only'.
* Indicates a required field
Step 2: Assign a role
- Expand Organization by clicking on the plus sign.
- Click Employee
- Find the employee you want assign to this new group.
- Make sure the box next to Admin Role is checked (on the employee tab). Note that the T&E Access does not have to say "Main Administrator" for this to work.
- Click Save
- Once the Admin Role box is checked, a new tab Admin Roles will be available.
- Click on Admin Roles
- Check the box next to "Administrators" and then click Delete (this is a default role that gives users access to all of Admin so we don't need it selected for this particular user if we're limiting them)
- Click Add
- Select the role that you set up (in the example, it was called "Audit").
- Click OK
- The user is now set up with that role so they will only see the role selected when they access admin.
- For example, the "Audit" will only see Expense Search. They will not be able to validate, approve, delete, or any other actions that were selected.
Group = Main Menu Option (shown below)
Name = Sub Menu Option
Group | Name | Description |
audit | Notes | Provides access to the Audit Notes Setup |
audit | Query | Provides access to the Audit Query Setup |
budget | BudgetSetup | Provides access to the Budget Setup |
budget | BudgetType | Provides access to the Budget Type Setup |
Data Piping | Data Piping All Profile Task | Provides access to the All Profile Tasks |
Data Piping | Data Piping All Profile Task Read Only | Provides access to the All Profile Tasks but "Read Only" |
Data Piping | Data Piping Assign Profile Task | Provides access to the Action Assign Profile Tasks owned by the user currently logged in the system. So if you created the specific profile job, you will also be able to assign it to the others. But you will not be able to assign the jobs you did not create |
Data Piping | Data Piping Assign Profile Task No Restriction | Provides access to be able to assign any profile task without a restrictions, whether it was created by you or not. |
Data Piping | Data Piping Batch Type | Provides access to the Data Piping Batch Types |
Data Piping | Data Piping Extract Table | Provides access to the Extract Table (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Data Piping | Data Piping Import Table | Provides access to the Import Table (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Data Piping | Data Piping Import Transaction Expense | Provides access to be able to import expense transactions |
Data Piping | Data Piping Import Transaction Time | Provides access to be able to import timesheet transactions |
Data Piping | Data Piping My Profile Task | Provides access to the My Profile Task |
Data Piping | Data Piping My Profile Task Read Only | Provides access to the My Profile Task with "Read Only" access |
Data Piping | Data Piping Profile Type | Provides access to the Profile Type setup (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Data Piping | Data Piping Remote Agent | Provides access to the Remote Agent (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Data Piping | Data Piping Remote Agent Action | (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Expense | Expense AdditionalFields | Provides access to the Additional Field labels and Field groups |
Expense | Expense Approval Notes Template | Provides access to the Expense Approval Notes Template |
Expense | Expense Approval Sequence | Provides access to the Expense Approval Sequence |
Expense | Expense Code | Provides access to the Expense Code |
Expense | Expense Credit Card Mapping | Provides access to the Credit Card Mapping in Expense |
Expense | Expense Group | Provides access to the Expense Group |
Expense | Expense Policy Setup | Provides access to the Expense Policy Setup |
Expense | Expense Folio Setup | Provides access to the Expense Folio (for Credit Card) |
Expense | Expense Message Alert | Provides access to the Expense Message Alerts |
Expense | Expense Payment Type | Provides access to the Expense Payment type option |
Expense | Expense Per Diem Rules | Provides access to the Expense Per Diem Rules |
Expense | Expense Place | Provides access to the Expense Place setup |
Expense | Expense Recurring Charge Setup | Provides access to the Recurring Charge Setup |
Expense | Expense Reporting Type | Provides access to the Reporting Type setup |
Expense | Expense Shared Address | Provides access to the Shared Addresses list |
Expense | Expense Shared Attendees | Provides access to the Shared Attendees list |
Expense | Expense Taxes | Provides access to the Expense Tax Code and Tax Rate |
Expense | Expense Validation Options | Provides access to the Expense Validation Options |
Expense | Expense View All Policy Detail | Provides access to view all Policy Details |
Expense | Expense View All WBS Policy Detail | Provides access to view all WBS Policy Details |
Expense | Expense WBS Policy Setup | Provides access to the Expense WBS Policy Setup |
Job | Job Email Queue Sender | Provides access to the Email Queue Sender (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Job | Job Email Expense Alert | Provides access to scheduling Expense Email Alert |
Job | Job Job Instance Cleanup | Provides access to Jon Instance cleanup option |
Job | Job Print Processor | Provides access to Print Processor (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Job Schedule | Job Schedule All Job Schedule | Provides access to All Jobs under Job Schedule |
Job Schedule | Job Schedule All Job Schedule Read Only Access | Provides access to All Jobs under Job Schedule with 'Read Only' access |
Job Schedule | Job Schedule Job Instance Query | Provides access to Job Instances screen |
Job Schedule | Job Schedule My Job Schedule | Provides access to My Jobs under Job Schedule |
Job | Job Session Cleanup | Provides access to job session cleanup option |
Job | Job Time Email Alert | Provides access to scheduling Time Email Alert |
Job | Job Xml Fetcher | Internal use by DATABASICS only |
Maintenance | Maintenance Export Manager | Provides access to Export Manager (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Maintenance | Maintenance Import Manager | Provides access to Import Manager (Please contact support to make any updates) |
Options | Options Additional Fields | Provides access to Additional Fields |
Options | Options Announcement | Provides access to revise the Announcements |
Options | Options Company Profile | Provides access to the Company Profiel |
Options | Options Enable D Bee | Provides access to be able to enable DBee (AI) |
Options | Options Expense Email Setup | Provides access to the Expense Email Setup |
Options | Options Expense Push Setup | Provides access to the Expense Push Setup |
Options | Options External Links | Provides access to setup the external links |
Options | Options Label Manager | Provides access to the System Labels |
Options | Options Schedule Email Setup | Provides access to schedule email setup |
Options | Options Shared Email Setup | Provides access to shared email setup |
Options | Options System Message | Provides access to Sys Messages |
Options | Options TE Options | Provides access to the Time and Expense Options |
Options | Options TE Preference | Provides access to the Time and Expense Preferences |
Options | Options TE Flags | Provides access to the Time and Expense Flags |
Options | Options Time Email Setup | Provides access to the Time Email Setup |
Options | Options Time Push Setup | Provides access to the Time Push Setup |
Organization | Organization Approval Group | Provides access to the Approval Group option |
Organization | Organization Operating Unit | Provides access to the Operating Unit Setup |
Organization | Organization Operating Unit View All Approver | Gives access to Report button to view Approval Structure Report |
Organization | Organization Currency | Provides access to the Currency setup |
Organization | Organization Currency Rate | Provides access to a list of all Currency Rates |
Organization | Organization Department | Provides access to the Department setup |
Organization | Organization Department Approval | Provides access to the Department Approval |
Organization | Organization Department Approval View All Approver | Gives access to Report button to view Approval Structure Report |
Organization | Organization Department Group Approval | Provides access to the Department Group Approval |
Organization | Organization Department View All Approver | Gives access to Report button to view Approval Structure Report |
Organization | Organization Employee | Provides access to all Employees |
Organization | Organization Employee .ACH | Provides access to the Employee ACH Accounts on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Accrual Method | Provides access to the leave accrual method setup screen on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Admin Role Read Only | Gives the right to 'Read Only' access to the admin setup |
Organization | Organization Employee Approval | Provides access to the Employee Approval Flows on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Change Password Only | Provides access to be able to change employee password only |
Organization | Organization Employee Commute Miles | Provides access to the Employee Commute Miles on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Contact Info | Provides access to setup employee's contact info setup on an the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Cost Rate | Provides access to the Employee Cost Rate on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Credit Card | Provides access to the Employee Credit Cards on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Enable Employee Preference | Provides access to update employee preferences on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Expense Limit | Provides access to the Employee Expense Limit on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Global Bank Setup | Provides access to setup bank details for global ACH processing on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Leave Balance | Provides access to an employee leave balance screen on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Leave Bank | Provides access to an employee leave bank on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Link External Credit Card | Provides access to setup external credit card to pull in the personal credit card transactions |
Organization | Organization Employee Override Setting | Provides access to Override Setting screen to override employee FTE or Location |
Organization | Organization Employee Pause Accrual | Provides access to pause accrual screen on an employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Payment Info field | Provides access to the Employee Payment Info on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee Replace Approver | Provides access to the Replace Approver on the employee record |
Organization | Organization Employee TE Access Read Only | Gives access to limit employee time and expense and the right to 'Read Only' |
Organization | Organization Employee Type | Provides access to the Employee Types setup |
Organization | Organization Employee View All Approver | Gives access to Report button to view All Approval Structure Report |
Organization | Organization Employee Work Schedule | Provides access to the employee work schedule setup screen |
Organization | Organization Function | Provides access to the Function setup |
Organization | Organization Global Approval | Provides access to the Group Approval option |
Organization | Organization Location | Provides access to the Locations setup |
Organization | Organization Proxy | Provides access to the Proxy setup |
Organization | Organization Proxy Insert All Employee To Group | Provides access to the Insert All Employee option |
Organization | Organization Proxy View All Proxy Group | Gives access to Report button to view All Proxy Group Report |
Organization | Organization Reporting Type | Provides access to the Reporting Types setup |
Organization | Organization Set Manager Out Of Office | Provides access to Set a Manager in Out of Office |
Organization | Organization Team Approval | Provides access to the Team Approval option |
Organization | Organization Team Approval View All Approver | Gives access to Report button to view All Approval Structure Report |
Organization | Organization Vendor | Provides access to the Vendor setup |
Organization | Organization Vendor ACH | Provides access to the Vendor ACH Accounts on the vendor record |
Organization | Organization Vendor Assign PO | Provides access to the Vendor Assign PO numbers on the vendor record |
Organization | Organization Vendor Assignment | Provides access to the Vendor Assignment on the vendor record |
Security | Security API-Site Users | Provides access to the api set manager screen |
Security | Security Api Saved Favorite Manager | Provides access to the saved api queries manager screen |
Security | Security Device Assignment | Provides access to Device Assignment (For Clock In Clock Out Shared Device) |
Security | Security Device Management | Provides access to Device Management (For Clock In Clock Out Shared Device) |
Security | Security My Profile | Provides access to all the profiles you have access to in the application |
Security | Security Role Manager | Provides access to the Role Manager |
Security | Security Role Manager Read Only Lookup | Provides read only access to the list of users assigned to a specific role under the Role Manager Setup |
Security | Security Session Manager | Provides access to the Session Manager |
Security | Security System Audit | Provides access to the System Audit Security |
Security | Security TE Access | Provides access to Time and Expense Security |
Security | Security TE Access Read Only Lookup | Provides read only access to the list of users assigned to a specific TE Access Group under the T&E Access Setup |
Time | Time Additional Fields | Provides access to the additional fields setup screen for timesheets |
Time | Time Approval Notes Template | Provides access to the Time Approval Notes Template |
Time | Time Break Schedule | Provides access to the time break schedule setup screen |
Time | Time Clock Editor Disable Clock In Only | Provides access to Time Clock Editor screen, but the option for Clocking in a user is disabled |
Time | Time Clock In out | Provides access to the Time Clock section including the Time Clock Assignment link |
Time | Time Clock In Out Editor Only | Provides access to the Time Clock Editor link only (without the time clock assignment) |
Time | Time Leave Management | Provides access to Leave Management |
Time | Time Message Alert | Provides access to the Message Notes |
Time | Time Note Purpose | Provides access to the Notes Purpose setup |
Time | Time Overtime Computation | Provide access to overtime computation rule setup screen |
Time | Time Time Approval Sequence | Provides access to the Time Approval Sequence setup |
Time | Time Time Code | Provides access to the Time Code |
Time | Time Time Code Group | Provides access to the Time Code Group |
Time | Time Time Policy Setup | Provides access to the Time Policy Setup |
Time | Time Timesheet Period Lock | Provides access to Timesheet Period Lock where you can lock down timesheet periods |
Time | Time Validation Options | Provides access to the Validation Options |
Time | Time View All Policy Detail | Provides access to view all Policy Details |
Utilities | Utilities Advance | Provides access to the Advance Expenses |
Utilities | Utilities Credit Card Route | Provides access to the Credit Card Routing |
Utilities | Utilities Credit Card Route Business To Personal | Provides access to the Credit Card Routing action Business to Personal Charge |
Utilities | Utilities Credit Card Route Personal To Business | Provides access to the Credit Card Routing action Business to Personal Charge |
Utilities | Utilities Credit Card Utility | Provides access to the Credit Card Batch Utility |
Utilities | Utilities Crew Timesheet | Provide access to the crew timesheet setup screen |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search | Provides access to the Expense Report Search |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search .Approval Routing | Provides access to the Action option to Approval Routing |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Approve | Provides access to the Change Status option to Approve |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Close | Provides access to the Change Status option to Close |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Delete | Provides access to the Action option to Delete Expense Report |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Draft | Provides access to the Change Status option to Draft |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Paid | Provides access to the Action option to Set Report to Fully Paid |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Refresh Approval Structure | Provides access to the Action option to Refresh Approval Structure |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Reject | Provides access to the Change Status option to Reject |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Release | Provides access to the Change Status option to Release |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Un-Close | Provides access to the Change Status option to Un-Close Closed Report |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Un-Open | Provides access to the Change Status option to Un-Open Opened Report |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Un Paid | Provides access to the Action option to Set Report to UnPaid |
Utilities | Utilities Expense Search Validate | Provides access to the Action option to Validate |
Utilities | Utilities Missing Timesheet | Provides access to view all Missing Timesheets |
Utilities | Utilities Prepaid | Provides access to the Prepaid Expenses |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search | Provides access to the Timesheet Search |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Approval Routing | Provides access to the Action option to Approval Routing |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Approve | Provides access to the Change Status option to Approve |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Close | Provides access to the Change Status option to Close |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Delete | Provides access to the Action option to Delete |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Email | Provides access to the Action option to Send Mail |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Draft | Provides access to the Change Status option to Draft |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Refresh Approval Structure | Provides access to the Action option to Refresh Approval Structure |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Reject | Provides access to the Change Status option to Reject |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Release | Provides access to the Change Status option to Release |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Un Close | Provides access to the Change Status option to Un-Close Closed Timesheet |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Un Open | Provides access to the Change Status option to Un-Open Opened Timesheet |
Utilities | Utilities Timesheet Search Validate | Provides access to the Action option to Validate |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search | Provides access to the Vendor Search |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Approval Routing | Provides access to the Action option to Approval Routing |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Approve | Provides access to the Change Status option to Approve |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Close | Provides access to the Change Status option to Close |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Delete | Provides access to the Action option to Delete |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Paid | Provides access to the Action option to mark the report as paid |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Draft | Provides access to the Change Status option to Draft |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Refresh Approval Structure | Provides access to the Action option to Refresh Approval Structure |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Reject | Provides access to the Change Status option to Reject |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Release | Provides access to the Change Status option to Release |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Un Close | Provides access to the Change Status option to Un-Close Closed Timesheet |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Un Open | Provides access to the Change Status option to Un-Open Opened Timesheet |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor search Un Paid | Provides access to change paid status to un-paid |
Utilities | Utilities Vendor Search Validate | Provides access to the Action option to Validate |
Utilities | Utilities Work Schedule | Provides access to the work schedule lookup screen |
WBS | WBS Assignment | Provides access to the WBS Assignments |
WBS | WBS Level1 | Provides access to the Level1 setup |
WBS | WBS Level1 Approval | Provides access to the Level1 Approval list |
WBS | WBS Level1 Type | Provides access to Level1 Types |
WBS | WBS Level1.View All Approver | Gives access to the Level1 Report button to view All Approval Structure Reports |
WBS | WBS Global Level2 | Provides access to the WBS Global Level2 |
WBS | WBS Global Level3 | Provides access to the WBS Global Level3 |
WBS | WBS Global Level4 | Provides access to the WBS Global Level4 |
WBS | WBS Group Level1 View All Approver | Gives access to the Level1 Report button to view All Approval Structure Reports |
WBS | WBS Group Level2 View All Approver | Gives access to the Level2 Report button to view All Approval Structure Reports |
WBS | WBS Level 1 Group Approval | Provides access to Level1 Group Approval list |
WBS | WBS Level 2 Group Approval | Provides access to the Level2 Group Approval list |
WBS | WBS Main WBS | Provides access to the Main WBS |
WBS | WBS Level2 | Provides access to Level2 |
WBS | WBS Level2 Approval | Provides access to the Level2 Approval list |
WBS | WBS Level2 Type | Provides access to the Level2 Types |
WBS | WBS Level2. View All Approver | Gives access to the Cost Category Report button to view All Approval Structure Reports |
WBS | WBS Level3 | Provides access to the Level3 Setup |
WBS | WBS Level4 | Provides access to the Level4 setup |
WBS | WBS Time Bill Code | Provides access to the Billing Code |
WBS | WBS Time Bill Rate | Provides access to the Billing Rate |
WBS | WBS Time Cost Code | Provides access to Cost Code setup by WBS |
WBS | WBS Time Cost Rate | Provides access to Cost Rate setup by WBS |
Work Schedule | Work Schedule Approval Sequence | |
Work Schedule | Work Schedule Office Location | |
Work Schedule | Work Schedule Schedule Policy Setup | |
Work Schedule | Work Schedule Shift Schedule | |
Work Schedule | Work Schedule Shift Sequence | |
Work Schedule | Work Schedule Validation Options |
, multiple selections available,
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