Main Administration Menu

Main Administration Menu

Authorized users can access Admin by clicking on the Administrators link on the top navigation bar. If a user is assigned to more than one admin role type, the roles will appear in the drop down menu under Administrators tab.

This guide is generally organized in the same order that the Admin menu is presented, top to bottom.

The items in the menu, link to specific functions of Admin. Several items in the menu contain sub-menus. These items are indicated with an arrow next to the name. Clicking on this item will expand that item and reveal a sub menu. The symbol will change to a indicating that the menu item can be contracted.

Administrators have the ability to create roles. The role determines the links and rights that users have access to within Admin. Users of each role will only see menu links/buttons that they have access to. Roles can also control access to reports as well as the separate utilities like the expense audit utility or the credit card load utility.

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