Auto Link Receipts to Lines

Auto Link Receipts to Lines

This option is only available if a receipt has been OCRed (or optically scanned) and works the best for the customer using the Advanced OCR module in DATABASICS and if you are not using the Receipt Express entry screen.

Auto linking receipts only makes sense if you are using the standard expense entry method or the Credit Card Express entry method, and does not make sense to use with the Receipt Express entry method, since in the Receipt Express entry method the receipt are scanned and added individually as a first step of an expense report and the benefit of auto linking the receipts is to link them en masse after the lines have already been added to an expense report.

For the customers using the Advanced OCR module, when the end users email the receipts to DATABASICS repository using the DATABASICS receipt imaging service, the receipts automatically get scanned and if the optical character recognition is successful, the system is able to extract, understand and store the amount, date and the vendor name associated with the receipt. Once an end user creates an expense report lines, if any lines match the data extracted from the receipts, the system will be able to automatically link the receipts to the corresponding lines. This is how it would work:

  1. Email a copy of your receipt to the DATABASICS repository. The email address to send the receipts to will be located on DATABASICS home page once you are logged into the system.

  2. The receipt should appear in the DATABASICS within a few minutes after they are emailed and if the Advanced OCR module is enabled the system will automatically scan the receipt for data. The scanned receipts in the repository can be viewed as follows:

    1. Click on the Receipt Express link from the home page of the application.

    2. The receipt in the repository will be displayed in the bottom window pane of the screen:

    3. The receipt that have already gone through the advanced OCR process will display the Description, Date and the Amount scanned off of the receipt and will display the following icon on the right


      To indicate that the receipt is OCR Ready.


  3. To start a new report using the standard entry method, go to the home page of the application and create an expense report by pressing image-20240927-211254.png button on the home page of the application add your individual reimbursable expense line items or the credit card transactions from the credit card list. (if the report is already created skip to step 4)

  4. Once you are finished adding all lines, click on the menu image-20240927-220424.png on the right top corner of the screen, between the printer and the “Save as a Draft & Exit”.

  5. From the drop down list of options select Auto Link Receipts to Lines

The system will check if the amount and the date on any of the expense line items on an expense report match with the amount and date of the OCR ready receipts in the receipt repository. If any matches are found the receipts will be linked with the corresponding expense lines.

Proceed with the further steps to attach any additional receipts where a link was not found and submit an expense report for approval when ready.

The same steps can be used when an expense report is created via Credit Card Express entry method.