Mobile Registration with Multiple Sites

Mobile Registration with Multiple Sites

With v7.4 we have a feature to add multiple sites in the mobile app using email as well as application URL such as test and production. 

Once access to DATABASICS has been set up and the app has been downloaded:

  1. Launch the app on your device.
  2. The app will prompt you for an e-mail address and also you will see an option called Advanced (Multiple Sites) Please click turn on Advanced (Multiple Sites) option and click on continue.
  3. In the Registration form select either by Email or By URL
  4. If you have the URL to the application then provide the URL with /mobile at the end. For example if your application URL is https://prsite.data-basics.net/databasics  then add /mobile at the end https://prsite.data-basics.net/databasics/mobile then click on continue.
  5. In this step you could set the name of your site for example Test site or Production site and click on done.
  6. You can then click on the arrow to login to their site. In order to add more clients or our internal site, you can click on the + icon at the top. You can later add using email or URL.