This screen lists all of the credit card transactions that are linked to your credit card(s). You can attach transaction information to an expense report using this screen.

There are up to three options for each transaction:

Depending on the credit card or the type of transaction, some options may be disabled.

After choosing an option, the transaction detail tab will appear at the bottom of the screen:

If the user chooses the wrong transaction, they can click on the Unapply link next to that charge to remove it from the expense report and return it to the credit card bin.

To Apply A Credit Card Transaction:

  1. Click on the Credit Card Charges tab on the left hand side within the expense report.
  2. Click on Apply
  3. Once you click Apply, a split screen will appear and the transaction details will be displayed. 
  4. Select the expense type and fill in any required fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk *.
  5. Click Apply Changes to save.

To Itemize A Credit Card Transaction:

  1. Click on the Credit Card Charges tab on the left hand side within the expense report.
  2. Click on Itemize to itemize the charge selected (note: Itemize is only available when itemization is an option on the expense type).
  3. Once you click Itemize, it will take you to the itemization screen.
  4. Once you get to this screen, click on Start. This will pull up a drop down menu with a list of available expense types.
  5. Click on the first expense type and click Next
  6. Enter the date ,amounts, and any other required details. 
  7. Click Next when done (notice when you click Next, the "Total Remaining:" is updated to show you how much of the original amount is left over to itemize. This will also show you if you go over the amount by displaying a negative number.
  8. If attendees are required for the expense type, this will be the next step of the itemization. Click on Next to continue.
  9. Once you are done itemizing, click on Continue on the top right hand corner of the screen.
  10. If you have attachments to add to the itemization, they can be added in this next step.
  11. Click on Finish to complete the itemization.

The expense report can not be submitted if the amount itemized exceeds the original transaction amount.