The post domain shows the details of posted expense reports. It breaks the data down to the activity structure and displays which extract the transaction was posted to.
Supported Version | Domain Name | Domain Folder |
5.1.x to 5.4.4 | Expense Post Domain 5.1.x | Domains |
5.5 and higher | Expense Posted Detail Transactions by Batch | DomainsV55 |
The domains consists of the following columns (NOTE: Column names could be renamed so you might see different names based on your side configuration, so the following names are the base names of the system)
Column ID | Column Name (From | Data Type | Description |
C_ALC_B | Business Alcohol Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Business Alcohol Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_ALC_P | Personal Alcohol Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Personal Alcohol Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_BASE_B | Base Business Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Base Business Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_BASE_P | Base Personal Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Base Personal Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_COMP_CC | Due by Company to CC in CC Currency | Decimal | Due by Company to Credit Card in CC Currency |
C_EMP_CC | Due by Employee to CC in CC Currency | Decimal | Due by Employee to Credit Card in CC Currency |
C_GRAND | Credit Card Billing Amount | Decimal | Credit Card Billing Amount |
C_GRAND_BAL | Credit Card Billing Balance Amount | Decimal | Credit Card Billing Balance Amount |
C_TAX2_B | Business Tax2 Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Business Tax2 Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TAX2_P | Personal Tax2 Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax2 Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TAX1_B | Business Tax1 Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Business Tax1 Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TAX1_P | Personal Tax1 Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax1 Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TIP_B | Business Tip Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Business Tip Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TIP_P | Personal Tip Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Personal Tip Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TOTAL_B | Total Business Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Total Business Amount in Credit Card Currency |
C_TOTAL_P | Personal Business Amount in CC Currency | Decimal | Personal Business Amount in Credit Card Currency |
CC_BILL_CURR | Credit Card Billing Currency | String | Credit Card Billing Currency |
LOCAL_CURR | Local Currency | String | Expense line charged currency |
WORK_DEPT_CODE | Worked Department Code | String | Worked Department ID on the distribution line |
E_ALC | Entry Alcohol Amount | Decimal | Alcohol Amount entered in the system |
E_BUSINESS | Entry Business Amount | Decimal | Business Amount entered in the system |
E_PERSONAL | Entry Personal Amount | Decimal | Personal Entry Amount |
E_TAX2 | Entry Tax2 Amount | Decimal | Tax 2 Amount entered in the system |
E_TAX | Entry Tax1 Amount | Decimal | Tax 1 Amount entered in the system |
E_TIP | Entry Tip Amount | Decimal | Tip Amount entered in the system |
EMPLY_TYPE_NAME | Employee Type | String | Employee Type Name |
EXP_CODE | Expense Code ID | String | Expense Code |
EXP_CODE_NAME | Expense Code | String | Expense Code Name |
EXP_TYPE_NAME | Expense Type | String | Expense Type Name Charge that contains attendees |
GROUP_TITLE | Line Description | String | Contains the default Expense Type name or the Credit Card Description charge. |
GRP_EXP_ID | Expense Type Group ID | String | Expense Type Group ID for the charged Expense Type |
GRP_EXP_NAME | Expense Type Group | String | Expense Type Group Name for the charge Expense Type |
HDR_TITLE | Report Title | String | Report Title |
HOME_DEPT_NAME | Home Department | String | Home Department Name |
HOME_OPT_NAME | Home Operating Unit | String | Home Operating Unit Name |
L_ALC_B | Business Alcohol Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Business Alcohol Amount in Local Currency |
L_ALC_P | Personal Alcohol Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Alcohol Amount in Local Currency |
L_BASE_B | Base Business Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Base Business Amount in Local Currency |
L_BASE_P | Base Personal Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Base Personal Amount in Local Currency |
L_GRAND | Grand Total Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Amount in Local Currency |
L_GRAND_BAL | Grand Total Balance Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Balance Amount in Local Currency |
L_TAX2_B | Business Tax2 Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Business Tax2 Amount in Local Currency |
L_TAX2_P | Personal Tax2 Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax2 Amount in Local Currency |
L_TAX1_B | Business Tax1 Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Business Tax1 Amount in Local Currency |
L_TAX1_P | Personal Tax1 Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax1 Amount in Local Currency |
L_TIP_B | Business Tip Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Business Tip Amount in Local Currency |
L_TIP_P | Personal Tip Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Tip Amount in Local Currency |
L_TOTAL_B | Total Business Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Total Business Amount in Local Currency |
L_BALANCE_B | Business Business Balance Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Business Amount in Local Currency |
L_TOTAL_P | Personal Business Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Business Amount in Local Currency |
L_BALANCE_P | Personal Business Balance Amount in Local Currency | Decimal | Personal Business Balance Amount in Local Currency |
LAST_FIRST | Full Name (Last, First) | String | Employee/User Last Name, First Name |
LEVEL1_CODE | Level1 Code | String | WBS Level1 Code |
LEVEL1_NAME | Level 1 | String | WBS Level1 Name |
LEVEL2_CODE | Level2 Code | String | WBS Level2 Code |
LEVEL2_NAME | Level 2 | String | WBS Level2 Name |
LEVEL3_CODE | Level3 Code | String | WBS Level3 Code |
LEVEL3_NAME | Level 3 | String | WBS Level3 Name |
LEVEL4_CODE | Level4 Code | String | WBS Level4 Code |
LEVEL4_NAME | Level 4 | String | WBS Level4 name |
LOCK_BY | Locked By | String | Locked by if the expense report is in Status: Open or Closed |
MAIN_GROUP_TITLE | Credit Card Charge Description | String | Contains the itemized main group if there are itemized charges. |
O_ALC_B | Business Alcohol Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Business Alcohol Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_ALC_P | Personal Alcohol Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Alcohol Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_BASE_B | Base Business Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Base Business Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_BASE_P | Base Personal Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Base Personal Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_CURR | OBS Currency | String | Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_CURR_RATE | OBS Currency Rate | Decimal | Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_GRAND | Grand Total Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_GRAND_BAL | Grand Total Balance Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Balance Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TAX2_B | Business Tax2 Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Business Tax2 Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TAX2_P | Personal Tax2 Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax2 Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TAX1_B | Business Tax1 Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Business Tax1 Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TAX1_P | Personal Tax1 Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax1 Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TIP_B | Business Tip Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Business Tip Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TIP_P | Personal Tip Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Tip Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TOTAL_B | Total Business Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Total Business Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
O_TOTAL_P | Personal Business Amount in OBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Business Amount in Organization Work Breakdown Structure Currency |
WORK_OPT_CODE | Worked Operating CODE | String | Charged Operating Unit ID |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 | Other Employee ID1 | String | Employee Other id1 that is mapped to OTHER_EMPLY_ID1 in the employee table |
PAID_VENDOR_ID | Paid Vendor ID | String | Paid to Vendor ID by default it is always the employee vendor for expense reporting. |
PAY_ID | Payment Type ID | String | Payment Type ID per the expense line |
PAYMENT_ND | Payment ND | String | Payment ND number - Not used. |
PERCENTAGE | Percentage | Decimal | % allocated per attendee for a specific charge on the expense report. |
HDR_PLACE_NAME | Place Name | String | Expense Report Place Name if existing on the Report Cover Page. |
R_ALC_B | Business Alcohol Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/ Business Amount for Alcohol to Employee |
R_ALC_P | Personal Alcohol Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Personal Alcohol Amount in Report Currency |
R_BASE_B | Base Business Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Base Business Amount in Report Currency |
R_BASE_P | Base Personal Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Base Personal Amount in Report Currency |
COMP_BALANCE_CC | Due by Company to CC | Decimal | Expense Report - Company Total Amount due to Credit Card for that specific expense line charge |
COMP_BALANCE_EMP | Due by Company to Employee | Decimal | Expense Report - Company Total Amount due to Employee for that specific expense line charge |
EMP_BALANCE_CC | Due by Employee to CC | Decimal | Expense Report - Employee Total Amount due to Credit Card for that specific expense line charge |
R_TOTAL | Total Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Report- Total Amount per line item that contains the attendees on the specific report. |
R_GRAND_BAL | Grand Total Balance Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Balance Amount in Report Currency |
R_TAX2_B | Business Tax2Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Tax 2 Amount |
R_TAX2_P | Personal Tax2 Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax2 Amount in Report Currency |
R_TAX1_B | Business Tax1 Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Tax 1 Amount |
R_TAX1_P | Personal Tax1 Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax Amount in Report Currency |
R_TIP_B | Business Tip Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Tip Amount |
R_TIP_P | Personal Tip Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Personal Tip Amount in Report Currency |
R_TOTAL_B | Total Business Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Expense Line - Reimbursable/Business Amount |
R_TOTAL_B_BAL | Total Business Balance Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Total Business Balance Amount in Report Currency |
R_TOTAL_P | Personal Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Personal Total Amount in Report Currency |
R_TOTAL_P_BAL | Total Personal Balance Amount in Report Currency | Decimal | Total Personal Balance Amount in Report Currency |
REF_NUM | Reference No | String | Expense Line Reference Number |
REPORT_ID | Report ID | Integer | Report ID |
REPORT_TYPE_NAME | Report Type | String | Report Type Name |
RPT_CURR | Report Currency | String | Expense Report Currency Code |
Tax1 Code | |||
Tax2 Code | |||
TRAN_ND | Transaction ND | Integer | Transaction ND is used for LAWON AP integration. |
TRANS_NO | Post Transaction No | Integer | Post Transaction Number usually it is the Report ID |
VENDOR_ID | Vendor ID | String | Vendor ID that is linked to the report that got requested |
VENDOR_NAME | Vendor | String | Vendor Name |
W_ALC_B | Business Alcohol Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Business Alcohol Amount in WBS Currency |
W_ALC_P | Personal Alcohol Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Alcohol Amount in WBS Currency |
W_BASE_B | Base Business Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Base Business Amount in WBS Currency |
W_BASE_P | Base Personal Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Base Personal Amount in WBS Currency |
W_CURR | WBS Currency | String | WBS Currency Code |
W_CURR_RATE | WBS Currency Rate | Decimal | WBS Currency Rate |
W_GRAND | Grand Total Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Amount in WBS Currency |
W_GRAND_BAL | Grand Total Balance Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Grand Total Balance Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TAX2_B | Business Tax2 Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Business Tax2 Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TAX2_P | Personal Tax2 Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax2 Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TAX1_B | Business Tax1 Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Business Tax1 Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TAX1_P | Personal Tax1 Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Tax1 Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TIP_B | Business Tip Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Business Tip Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TIP_P | Personal Tip Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Tip Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TOTAL_B | Total Business Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Total Business Amount in WBS Currency |
W_TOTAL_P | Personal Business Amount in WBS Currency | Decimal | Personal Business Amount in WBS Currency |
WORK_DEPT_NAME | Worked Department | String | Worked Department Name |
WORK_OPT_NAME | Worked Operating Unit | String | Worked Operating Unit Name |
XP_CERT_STATUS | Certify Status | String | Certify Status by the user for the expense report. |
XP_REPORT_PREV_STATUS | Report Previous Status | String | On Hold |
PROC_STATUS | Process Status | String | Process Status could be one of the following: |
HDR_STATUS_NAME | Report Status | String | Expense report status: |
XP_REPORT_VAILD_STATUS | Report Validation Status | String | Report Validation Status could be one of the following: |
LEVEL1_FLAG | Level1 Flag | String | WBS Level 1 Flag that is linked to the Level1 Code |
LEVEL1_TYPE | Level1 Type | String | WBS Level1 Type |
MAIN_WBS_CODE | Main WBS Code | String | WBS Main WBS Code |
MAIN_WBS_NAME | Main WBS | String | WBS Main WBS Name |
LEVEL2_FLAG | Level2 Flag | String | WBS Level 2 Flag that is linked to the Level2 Code |
LEVEL2_TYPE | Level2 Type | String | WBS Level2 Type |
OTHER_EMPLY_ID2 | Other Employee ID2 | String | Employee Other id2 |
SSN | SSN | String | Employee Other id that is mapped to SSN field. |
BATCH_TYPE/POST_STATUS | Post Status | String | Extract Batch Type for either ACH, GL, AP, Payroll |
HDR_PLACE_NAME | Cover Page Place Name | String | Expense Report Place Name if existing on the Report Cover Page. |
TODAY_DATE | TODAY_DATE | Date | Today's Date |
PAY_ID_NAME | Payment Type | String | Payment Type Name per the expense line |
DEPT_CODE | Home Department Code | String | Home Department ID |
EMPLY_ID | Employee ID | String | Employee Id |
EMP_ACTIVE | Active Employee | String | Employee Active Yes or No |
EMPLY_TYPE | Employee Type Code | String | Employee Type ID |
EXP_TYPE | Expense Type Code | String | Expense Type ID Charge that contains attendees |
REPORT_TYPE | Report Type Code | String | Report Type ID |
OPT_ODE | Home Operating Unit Code | String | Home Operating Unit Code |
BATCH_NO | Batch ID | Integer | Extract Batch Number |
NOTE | Note | String | Attendee Line Level Note |
END_DATE | Report End Date | Date | Expense Report End Date |
TRAVEL_DATE | Travel Date | Date | Expense Charge charge or travel date. |
HDR_DT | Report DateTime Stamp | Datetime | Expense Report Header Datetime Stamp - Last Modified Datetime. |
LOCK_DT | Locked Datetime Stamp | Datetime | Locked Datetime if the expense report is in Status: Open or Closed |
START_DATE | Report Start Date | Date | Expense Report Start Date |
POST_DATE | Post Date | Date | Extract Post Date that is provided during the extract of expense reports. |