To assist in mileage calculations to frequently traveled locations, Expense allows companies to store addresses of these locations within the application. The user can then look them up in Google Maps Mileage Distance Search window. 


Expense comes with most major airports already loaded in the application. However, if a company would like to add additional airports or any other frequently used address not in the database, it must be set up within Admin first. The first step is to create an Address Type for these addresses to be stored under (The Category Type "AIRPORTS" is already pre-loaded).

  1. Expand Expense by clicking on the arrow .
  2. Click Shared Addresses
  3. Click on the Add button.
  4. Fill in the following fields:
    1. Address Type*: The type of address this will be (Example: AIRPORT)
    2. Active*: Checked by default, uncheck if this address should be inactive
    3. Name*: The name of the Category Type
    4. Description: An optional description of the Address Type
  5. Click Save

* Indicates a required field

To add addresses to the Address Types:

  1. Expand Expense by clicking on the plus sign.
  2. Click Shared Addresses
  3. Select the Address Type that you want to add addresses to.
  4. Click on Address Details tab.
  5. Click on the Add button.
  6. Fill in the following fields:
    1. Address Code: An ID to be assigned to this address. For airports, user the 3 letter IATA Airport Code. Examples:
      • DCA: Washington Reagan National Airport
      • IAD: Washington Dulles International Airport
      • JFK: John F. Kennedy International Airport
    2. Name: The name of the location or airport this address is attached to.
    3. Address: Enter the street address.
    4. Traveled City: Enter the city.
    5. State: Enter the state.
    6. Country: Enter the country.
    7. Zip: Enter the Zip Code.
    8. Description: An optional description of the location.
    9. Active:
      1. Yes- To activate this address
      2. No - To mark it inactive. Inactive addresses will not be available to users.
    10. Click Save