Administrators can search for expense reports in the system, and speed their searches by filtering criteria. Once the expense report is found, an administrator may view the report, delete it, change its status, send an E-mail to its author, or print it. Admin retrieves expense reports meeting all of the selected search criteria; selecting a report ID will override any other selection criteria.
Quick Overview
From this window administrators may delete expense reports, change expense reports' statuses, send an E-mail to the expense report's author, or view and print the expense report.
Field | Description |
Report ID | Selecting a Report ID will retrieve the expense report bearing this ID |
Employee ID | Selecting an employee ID will retrieve only the expense reports of the selected employee |
First Name | Entering an employee's first name will retrieve only the reports of employees with that first name |
Last Name | Entering an employee's last name will retrieve only the reports of employees with that last name |
Start Date | The start date for the date range that will be retrieved |
End Date | The end date for the date range that will be retrieved |
Report Type | Selecting a Report Type will retrieve all expense reports of the selected report type |
Status | Selecting a status will retrieve only expense reports having the selected status |
Previous Status | Selecting a previous status will retrieve only the expense reports whose status immediately previous to their current status was the selected status |
Company | Selecting a Company will retrieve only the expense reports of employees of the selected company |
Department | Selecting a department will retrieve only expense reports of employees of the selected department |
Location | Selecting a location will retrieve only expense reports of employees of the selected location |
Validation Status | Selecting a validation status will retrieve only expense reports of the selected validation status |
Attachment | Selecting with attachments will retrieve only expense reports that have file attachments; selecting without attachments will retrieve only expense reports that do not have any file attachments |
Process Status | Selecting a Process Status will retrieve all expense reports bearing the selected status |
My Group | Selecting a group will retrieve the reports for the login user or for the user's team, department or proxy group |
Posted To | Selecting a Posted To will only show expense reports posted to that particular extract |
Not Posted To | Selecting a Not Posted To will only show expense reports that have not been posted to that particular extract |
Exception | Selecting an Exception will only show users with that exception status |
Level1 Code | Selecting a Level 1 code will only show expense reports with charges to selected Level 1 |
Level2 Code | Selecting a Level 2 code will only show expense reports with charges to selected Level 2 |
Approver | Selecting a approver will retrieve only expense reports where the selected approver approved or approves for |
Vendor | Selecting a vendor will retrieve only vendor payments reports for selected vendor |
Batch No | Selecting a Batch Number will retrieve only the expense reports from the selected batch |
Reimbursement>0 | Selecting Reimbursement>0 will retrieve only the expense reports with a reimbursement equal to or greater than zero, depending on the selection |
Report Currency | Selecting report currency will retrieve only the expense reports with the selected currency |
To delete an Expense Report:
To send an e-mail to the expense report's author:
To validate an Expense Report:
To change an Expense Report's Status:
Note: An Expense report cannot be changed to a "Draft" or "On Hold" status if it has already been posted.
To route expense reports to an approver:
Refresh Approval Structure is used when report(s) are already in the approval process and a change is made to the approval structure. By refreshing the approval structure of report(s) the approver(s) will be added/removed without resetting the current approval queue.
Approval structure: Released expense reports go to Manager A > then Manger B
Step 1: A user submits expense report and Manager A is now ready for approval
Step 2: Manager A approvers expense report
Step 3: Manager B is ready for approval.
Step 4: Administration wants to add Manager C to the approval structure. To add Manage C without resetting the Manager A's approval the "Refresh Approval Structure" would be used.
To generate a viewable/printable version of the Expense Report: