DATABASICS Expense Reporting system integrates to ADP Payroll for expense reimbursement.

Expense Type Mapping to ADP Earnings / Deduction Code

ADP Reimbursement of expenses is using the Earnings Code or Deduction Code feature in ADP. Restrictions and validations needed can take place to ensure the data is 100% validated before it gets posted to ADP.  

Earnings Codes and Deduction Codes

A customer may process expense reimbursements using ADPs Earnings Code or Deduction Code feature.

If Expense reimbursement is made using ADPs Earnings Code feature the reimbursement is posted as a positive number associated with one or more Earnings Code(s). Most often only one Earnings Code in ADP is used (e.g. “Expense Reimbursement”). However, a customer can utilize multiple ADP Earnings or Deduction Codes, be mapped to either Expense Type Group or Expense Type in DATABASICS.

For example if the Earning Code is “TVL - Travel” in ADP then we will configure DATABASICS Expense Type Group as Travel and then we will add all the expense types such as Airfare, Car Rental, Train, Lodging, etc.  to the Travel and then when we post payment to ADP payroll we will the total sum of all expenses for Travel Earning code, other expenses may post to a separate Earning Code like “EXP - Expense”.   

If Expense reimbursement is made using ADPs Deduction Code feature the reimbursement is posted as a negative number associated with a Deduction Code.

DATABASICS Services Team will work to configure DATABASICS based on the customer requirements.   The following fields are necessary in order to upload the custom CSV file into ADP:

And either:


Post Approved Expense Reimbursable Transactions to ADP

DATABASICS will configure a profile to post all approved expenses according to the customer’s requirement. The file produced will identify the ADP Company the reimbursement will be generated along with the reimbursement details to show up on the user’s paystub.

The Post to ADP profile configured in DATABASICS with query to retrieve only approved expense reports and reimbursable amounts greater than zero.  These queries are fully configurable by the customer depending on the requirements.

DATABASICS can post directly to ADP Workforce Now, other for other ADP Programs we will provide a tailored file output for

Example DATABASICS Post Expenses for reimbursement profile:

Importing into ADP Workforce Now Payroll

To import into ADP, log into Workforce Now at You will need to have Practitioner or Limited Practitioner rights.

You will need to begin by starting a new payroll cycle. If you have already done so, please skip these steps. Once you have started a new payroll cycle, or if you would like to import your data into an existing payroll cycle, select Process from the top navigation bar. The options will vary depending on your role within ADP Workforce Now. Select Utilities and choose Import. Then select Paydata. Upload the file Select your exported payroll file from DATABASICS that you already downloaded by clicking Add Files. ADP Workforce Now will bring you back to your unprocessed payroll files. Select the appropriate file(s) using the check box and click Other Actions. Click Start to begin processing payroll.

NOTE:  DATABAICS has the ability to rollback a posted batch as long as it is not processed in ADP yet.   You may need to contact or submit a ticket online to request a rollback to posted expense batch.

Importing Into ADP using Manual Process

  1. Make sure DATABASICS Post Profile is configured as CSV output.


2. You can schedule the extract or run it as needed.  To run the extract go to Admin --> Data Piping → All Profile Task --> click on

Run Now for Expense Extract Reimbursements ADP profile.

3. Once it runs it will take you to Job Instances to view the status and once it completed you will be able to download the CSV file.

4. Download the CVS file to Downloads folder on your computer. Click Upload when you are ready. Once you have added your payroll file from DATABASICS to your import, select the appropriate file(s) using the check box and click Done. ADP Workforce Now will bring you back to your unprocessed payroll files.

Deduction Code Posting Example:

Earnings Code Posting Example: