Report Status List



Action Allowed

On Hold/ Draft

Draft means the report is not yet submitted or validated.

Edit and Delete


It is getting accessed by proxy, approver or the owner of the report. The system will timeout the open status based on the configuration the default is 4 hours from open. The approver or proxy could take over the report is currently opened by anyone.

Edit only by the one how opened it.


Released means the report is fully submitted and validated, but it could have validation warning. If there are validation errors the user will not be able to release the report.

Edit and Delete depends on the security T&E Access options if released reports could be deleted or edit it.

In Approval Process

In approval process means the report is submitted and one of the approvers start the approval process but is not fully approved.

Edit and Delete depends on the security T&E Access options if in approval process reports reports could be deleted or edit it.


Approved means the report is fully approved and it is ready to be posted or processed for payment.

Edit and Delete depends on the security T&E Access options if approved reports reports could be deleted or edit it.