- Keyword indicates the time span you want to use. Options include: DAY, MONTH, WEEK, QUARTER, SEMI, and YEAR.
- + or - indicates whether the time span occurs before or after the chosen date.
- Number indicates the number of the above-mentioned time spans you want to include in the filter.
- In the date field, click on the calendar icon.
- Click on "Relative Timestamp" and you will access the options on setting up a relative date.
- Click on "Close" once you are done setting the relative date.
The following values:
- the date range will be calculated based on days relative to the current dateWEEK
- the date range will be calculated based on weeks relative to the current dateMONTH
- the date range will be calculated based on months relative to the current dateQUARTER
- the date range will be calculated based on quarters relative to the current dateSEMI
- the date range will be calculated based on semesters relative to the current dateYEAR
- the date range will be calculated based on years relative to the current date
Optionally, the <keyword>
may be followed by a + or a - sign and an integer number, representing the amount of time units. Some examples are in the following table:
Expression | Return Date |
2000-01-23 | The day of January 23, 2000, starting at 00:00:00, ending at the same time |
DAY | All the current day, starting at 00:00:00, ending at 23:59:59 |
DAY-1 | Day of yesterday, starting at 00:00:00, ending at 23:59:59 |
DAY+1 | Day of tomorrow, starting at 00:00:00, ending at 23:59:59 |
WEEK | This week, starting* on Monday 00:00:00, ending on Sunday 23:59:59 |
WEEK+1 | Next week, starting* on Monday 00:00:00, ending on Sunday 23:59:59 |
WEEK-2 | 2 weeks ago, starting* on Monday 00:00:00, ending on Sunday 23:59:59 |
MONTH | This month, starting on the first day of month at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of month at 23:59:59 |
MONTH-6 | 6 months ago, starting on the first day of month at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of month at 23:59:59 |
MONTH+6 | 6 months later from now, starting on the first day of month at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of month at 23:59:59 |
QUARTER | this quarter, starting on the first day of quarter at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of quarter at 23:59:59 |
QUARTER-10 | 10 quarters ago, starting on the first day of quarter at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of quarter at 23:59:59 |
QUARTER+1 | Next quarter, starting on the first day of quarter at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of quarter at 23:59:59 |
SEMI | this semester, starting on the first day of semester at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of semester at 23:59:59 |
SEMI-3 | 3 semesters ago, starting on the first day of semester at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of semester at 23:59:59 |
SEMI+3 | 3 semesters later from now, starting on the first day of semester at 00:00:00, ending on the last day of semester at 23:59:59 |
YEAR | this year, starting on January 1, 00:00:00, ending on December 31, 23:59:59 |
YEAR-1 | last year, starting on January 1, 00:00:00, ending on December 31, 23:59:59 |
YEAR+10 | 10 years later from now, starting on January 1, 00:00:00, ending on December 31, 23:59:59 |