- Approvers that have Expense Reports that still need to be approved.
- Users with unnapplied unapplied advances
- Users with unnapplied unapplied Credit Card Transactions
Widget Connector
This process identifies and sends and reminder e-mail to those individuals based on the selections made by the administrator.
- Expand the Email Alert menu.
- Click on Expense Email Alert under the Email Alert menu.
- Click on the Add button to open up the wizard.
- Enter the Alert Name of this reminder.
- In the Process Type dropdown menu, choose:
- Expense Reports: To send e-mails about expense reports in the system, such as an approval reminder report.
- Advances: To remind users that they currently have advances that have not been applied to an expense report.
- Credit Card Transactions: To remind Detail Transactions: Detailed reminder for users that they have credit card transactions that have not been applied to an expense report.
- Credit Card Summary Transactions: Summary reminder for users that they have credit card transactions that have not been applied to an expense report.
- In the Send To dropdown menu, choose the users to send an e-mail reminder to.
- Proxy who touched: Send to the last proxy who made a modification to the Expense Report
- Proxy who released: Send to the last proxy who submitted the Expense Report
- All proxies: Sends to all proxies that have access to a particular Expense Report
- Approval Routing: Send to any manually routed to approvers in the approval structure.
- Department Approval: Send to any department approvers (based on user's home department) in the approval structure.
- Employee: Send to the owner of the Advance, Expense Report or Credit Card Transaction
- Policy Exception Approval: Send to any exception approvers in the approval structure
- Proxy who released: Send to the last proxy who submitted the Expense Report
- Proxy who touched: Send to the last proxy who made a modification to the Expense Report
- Ready to Approve: Send only to the approvers based on expense reports in their current queue (Rejected reports are still in an approvers approver's current queue).
- Policy Exception Team Approval: Send to any exception approvers in the approval structure
- Approval Routing: Send to any manually routed to approvers in the approval structure.
- Worked Department: Send to any charged department Team approvers in the approval structure.
- WBS Level 1 Approval: Send to any approvers of the first level of project structure in the approval structure.
- WBS Level 2 Approval: Send to any approvers of the second level of project structure in the approval structure.
- Worked Department Approval: Send to any charged department approvers (based on user's home department) in the approval structure.Team Approval: Send to any Team approvers in the approval structure.
- Enter a Subject for the e-mail that is being sent out.
- Enter a Header portion of the e-mail message. This will be the main body of the email.
- Enter a User Message for the e-mail. This portion of the message will repeat for every report, transaction or advance that satisfies the query. This part of the setup will include the list of expenses, credit card transactions or advances referenced in this email. The message you put in this section will repeat as many times as there are records that fit the criteria. Example: If there are 2 missing credit card transaction, the message you enter in this field will repeat twice. So please do not include any other test in this part of the reminder, other than the referential data.
- Enter a Footer as a closing to the e-mail.
- Click Next.
Info | |||||||||
Message Options: The following codes can be placed into the User Message portion of the e-mail. In the e-mails that are sent to the individuals, these codes will be replaced with the actual values. Expense Reports
Credit Card - Detail
Credit Card - Summary
Step 2 of 3: Set up Query Items
Example Expense E-Mail Alert
Step 2:
Step 3:
E-mail Reminder to Managers to Approve Expense Report with a Reference to Overdue Number of Days
Only Ready for Approval (Subject) – means that the reference text underneath this section can be included in the “Subject” of the reminder
- {DaysOverdue=7}* - this would be the number of days after an expense report was submitted to approver after which the expense report would be considered overdue. In this example the expense reports would be overdue approval after 7 days of their submission. 7 can be replaced with a different value.
*This is a required field and must be included in order for the rest of the reference fields to work properly.
- {Total} - indicated total number of expense report in an approver’s queue
- {Overdue} - total number of overdue expense report in an approver’s queue. In this example those those expense report that have been sitting in the approver’s queue more than 7 days.
Only Ready for Approval (Header): - means that the reference text underneath this section can be included in the “Header” portion of a reminder
Only Ready for Approval (User Message): - means that the reference text underneath this section can be included in the “User Message” portion of the email.
- {DaysOverdue} – The number of days an expense report has been sitting in an approver’s queue
- {ReadyOn} -Date when an expense report was released