To search the repository, select View > Search Results. The search results page appears. Instead of only viewing resources by
folder, use intuitive search criteria, such as who modified the resource and when, to find pinpoint resources.
On the search results page, use either the Filters panel or Search field to find resources. The search results page displays
results of searches and filters.
To search all resources in the repository:
1. Select one of these filters: All available, Modified by me, or Viewed by me.
2. Click the icon in the search field to clear the search term if there is one.
3. Select All types, as shown in Figure above.
4. Click
The search results appear, listing files that your user account has permission to view. Click a resource in the list to view it
or right-click a resource to see what functions are available from the context menu.
The server remembers your settings on the Search Results page, making the most commonly needed resources remain visible
when you return to the page.