- Click on Organization to expand the menu.
- Click on Currency/Rates to expand the menu.
- Click Currency. This will list any currencies currently loaded into the system.
- Click the Currency
- Click the Add button in the Currency window.
- In the ID field Currency field, enter a unique identifier to identify the currency. The maximum length for this field is 10 characters.
- In the Name field, enter a name to identify the currency. This field is limited to 100 characters.
- In the Symbol field, enter a currency symbol to identify the currency. A currency symbol is used in conjunction with the display of a monetary value to identify the effective currency. The maximum length for this field is three 3 characters.
- In the Allow Change Ratefield, select Yes if employees are to be allowed to override the system's official exchange rate when entering expenses. Select No if the employees cannot override the system-generated exchange rate.
- In the Tolerance % field, enter a tolerance percentage if employees are allowed to change the exchange rate. This entry has no effect if No is selected above. 0.00 implies tolerance is not setup. Employees will be able to enter any exchange rate. 5.00 implies employees will be able to enter an exchange rate with a tolerance of +/- 5% of the system exchange rate.
- Frequently Used Currency, set the currency to Yes if you think this currency code will be used by most of your users so it will show up on top of the list of currency codes to use.
- In the Active field, select Yes if the currency is to be available for assignment or use in reports now. Select No if the currency is not available for selection or use now.
- Click the Save button to save the currency to the database.Click the Back button to return the Currency window.