Versions Compared


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GroupAccess RightsDescription

Expense Entry and Approval 

Allow User to modify their Bank Account for ACH Processing (USA & CAN)Allow User to modify their Bank Account for ACH Processing for US and Canada Only
Disable Approve and Reject by LineDisable the option for the approvers to approve or reject individual lines (V8.3 and up)
Allow Approval to Link ReportsAllow Approval to Link Reports
Enable Approve and Reject from List-Desktop OnlyEnables Approve and Reject from List view- for desktop only
Disable Approve and Reject From List-Mobile OnlyDisable Approve and Reject from the list view- for mobile only
Disable Approver from modifying Expense CodeDisable Approver from modifying Expense Codes on Expense Reports
Allow Approver to route expense report to other approversAllow Approver to route expense report to other approvers
Allow Approval to set TAX/VAT not claimableAllow Approval to set TAX/VAT not claimable
Attendee Query against only EmployeesOnly allows user to select attendees from employees
Attendee Query against only Shared AttendeesOnly allows user to select attendees from shared attendees
Allow user to access Audit ModuleAllow user to access Audit Module
Allow user to access Audit Module With no Pass of Fail ControlAllow user to access Audit Module With no Pass of Fail Control
Enable Credit Card EXPRESSEnable access to credit card transaction entry via Credit Card Express
Disable Fax Cover Page on SubmitDisable the option to generate the fax bar code cover page for receipts upon submission of a report
Allow Save & Exit as Draft once report is submitted/rejected -  by ProxyEnable the Save as a Draft and Exit button on the report even after a report has been submitted for approval or if the report has been rejected- for proxies only
Allow Save & Exit as Draft once report is submitted/rejected -  by OwnerEnable the Save as a Draft and Exit button on the report even after a report has been submitted for approval or if the report has been rejected- for the owner of the report
Allow User to modify their Global Bank Account for ACH ProcessingEnable the option under preferences for the user to be able to set up their global ACH account for payment processing
Disable the ability to add a new address while in the reportApplies to customers using the Commuter Mileage calculation, by default the system will ask a user to confirm the home and work location at the initial login and update the address if applicable, this option disables this function.
Hide Personal Option on the Credit Card Transaction ListHide Personal Option on the Credit Card Transaction List
Enable Move Charges for ApproversAllows approvers to move charge(s) from one report to another
Enable Move Charges for ProxiesAllows proxies to move charge(s) from one report to another
Enable Move Charges for UsersAllows report owner to move charge(s) from one report to another
Allow to add a new Vendor to the Vendor Payment ReportAllow to add a new Vendor to the Vendor Payment Report
Offline-Ability to Enable Mobile Expense-OfflineMobile Expense offline gives ability for user to save their receipts offline and then sync the receipts online once they have internet connection. 
Allow to modify WBS on report with a one WBS on cover pageAllow changing a WBS selection on the cover page when the report option is set to one WBS entry on the cover page and ability to distribute on the line
Enable Employee to Download Personal Credit Card TransactionAllow users to configure their personal credit card transaction import from their bank
Allow Proxy to Link ReportsAllow Proxy to Link Reports
Disable Proxy from modifying In Approval Process ReportRemoves hyperlink from the report name so proxy cannot access report while in approval process
Allow Proxy to set TAX/VAT not claimableAllow Proxy to set TAX/VAT not claimable
Allow Proxy to access Approved ReportAllow Proxy to access Approved Report
Disable Proxy from modifying Expense CodeDisable Proxy from modifying Expense Codes on Expense Reports
Disable Proxy from modifying Released ReportRemoves hyperlink from the report name so proxy cannot access report while in released report
Allow Proxy to route Expense Report to other ApproversAllow Proxy to route Expense Report to additional Approvers
Enable Receipt EXPRESSEnables access to the Receipt Express entry method for the end users
Allow Proxy to Replace TA with another TA is TA is requiredAllows proxy users to update a travel authorization on an actual expense report if the TA is required for that report
Allow owner to Link ReportsAllow owner to Link Reports
Allow Owner to route Expense Report to other ApproversAllow Owner to route Expense Report to additional Approvers
Disable owner from modifying In Approval Process Report

Removes hyperlink from the report name so owner cannot access report while in approval process

Note: If users are restricted from accessing the In Approval report or if re-certification is required due to a proxy submitting the expense report on their behalf, the 'Edit Open' option will be enabled, allowing the user to re-submit the request for further review.

Allow Owner to access Approved ReportAllow Owner to access Approved Report
Disable Owner from modifying Expense CodeDisable Owner from modifying Expense Codes on Expense Reports
Disable owner from modifying Released Report

Removes hyperlink from the report name so owner cannot access report while in

released report

released report

Note: If users are restricted from accessing the Released report or if re-certification is required due to a proxy submitting the expense report on their behalf, the 'Edit Open' option will be enabled, allowing the user to re-submit the request for further review.

Allow Owner to set TAX/VAT not claimableAllow Owner to set TAX/VAT not claimable.
Only WBS Approval ViewApplies to WBS approvers only and enables them to approve reports by project view
Enable User to set their Expense Type FavoritesAllows users to set up their favorite expenses under preferences, or rename them. The favorite expenses will appear on top of the list


Enable DBee AI AccessEnables DBee AI assistant for users
Allow to set Manager's Subordinate Out of Office in user Preference for Time..Prevents approver from setting subordinate out of office
  • When enabled with "Disable Approvers to set themselves Out of Office" approvers will be able to set other people out of office but not themselves
Allow users to enable Push Notification their mobile devicesApplies to mobile app only- if enabled it will allow users to see an option under preferences to enable/disable the push notifications.
Disable Approvers to set themselves Out of OfficePrevents approver from setting themselves out of office
Display User Profile to Manager and ProxyEnables employee detail icon
Allow users to their Commute miles/kmAllows users to Commute their Mileage through Commute Mileage in Options under the Tools tab
Allow users to manage their Mobile DevicesAllows users to manage their Mobile Devices through My Devices in Options under the Tools tab
Allow users to update their User ProfilesAllows users to update their User Profiles in Options under the Tools tab
Allow users to set their own ProxiesAllows users to set their own Proxies in Options under the Tools tab

Time Entry and Approval

Disable Approve and Reject by LineDisable the option to approve or reject a timesheet by line
Enable Approve and Reject from List-Desktop OnlyEnables Approve and Reject from List view- on desktop only
Disable Approve and Reject from List-Mobile OnlyDisables approve and rejection from the list view on mobile only
Allow Approver to access approved TimesheetAllow Approver to access approved Timesheet
Allow Approver to fully adjust posted TimesheetAllow Approver to adjust posted Timesheet
Allow Approver to partial adjust posted timesheets to add new rows/hoursAllow Approver to adjust a posted timesheet to add a new row and add hours. The approver will not be able to adjust rows or hours that have been posted. 
Allow Approver to route Timesheet to other approversAllows Approver to route Timesheet to other approvers
Enable Time Clock in Replace Activity-User Ability to Modify Clock in ActivityAllows a user to change the WBS distribution while the time clock is running
Enable Crew Timesheet EntryCrew timesheets allow you to enter multiple users time for one particular day
Disable PTO Request OptionThis disables the Request button in the Time Off menu option. For setups with leave codes that are direct, this should be turned off as this function will not work. 
Allow Save & Exist as Draft once timesheet is submitted/rejected - By ProxyAllows Proxy to save and exit as draft that has already been submitted or rejected.
Allow Save & Exist as Draft once timesheet is submitted/rejected - By OwnerAllows Owner to save and exit as draft that has already been submitted or rejected.
Enable Time In/Out Next Day on Last Day of the PeriodAllows user to select clock out time for the next days on the last day of the timesheet. Next day time will be indicated with ">".
Offline-Ability to Manually Add Offline Template itemsAdditional setup by DATABASICS is required. This functionality is for Time users with hourly input or time in/out input only. If the user is or has access to the Clock in/out functionality the offline options will automatically be disabled
Offline-Ability to Enable Mobile OfflineApplies to mobile application only- allows a user to use the mobile app offline- additionally, this functionality is for Time users with hourly input or time in/out input only. If the user is or has access to the Clock in/out functionality the offline options will automatically be disabled
Disable Proxy from modifying In Approval Process TimesheetRemoves hyperlink from the report name so proxy cannot access Timesheet while in approval process
Require the proxy to provide a Note on Save & Exit as Draft or SubmitIf a timesheet is being modified by a proxy, if enabled, this option requires a note upon "Save As a Draft" or "Submit" action
Allow Proxy to access approved TimesheetAllow Proxy to access approved Timesheet
Allow Proxy to fully adjust posted TimesheetAllow Proxy to adjust posted Timesheet
Allow Proxy to partial adjust posted timesheets to add new rows/hours onlyAllow Proxy to adjust a posted timesheet to add a new row and add hours. The proxy will not be able to adjust rows or hours that have been posted. 
Disable Proxy from modifying Released TimesheetRemoves hyperlink from the report name so proxy cannot access Timesheet while in released Timesheet
Allow Proxy to route Timesheet to other ApproversAllow Proxy to route Timesheet to additional Approvers
Enable Time Daily Hours Entry

For mobile app only, if enabled it will provide access to each day on the timesheet for easier entry.

Enable Time Clock In/Out - Enable full timesheet editUser can clock in and clock out as well as have access to the timesheet. This option allows the timesheet owner to submit their timesheet
Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit-Approver Ability to Modify Clock In/Out OnlyThis options allows an Approver to edit clock but not the WBS entries on a timesheet
Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit- Approver Ability to Modify Clock In/Out and full accessThis option allows an approver to modify WBS, total hours and the time clock in/out details on a timesheet
Disable Time Clock In/Out-Disable Mobile Clock In/Out OnlyDisables the time clock on the mobile app
Enable Time Clock In/Out - Disable timesheet editUsers can ONLY Clock In/Out. User can not access their timesheet or submit their timesheet
Enable Time Clock In/Out - Enable PTO/Holiday row editUser could edit the timesheet but not the rows that are not PTO and Holiday time.  You could only add, delete and modify the hours for rows that are for PTO and Holiday.
Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit-Proxy Ability to Modify Clock In/Out OnlyThis options allows a proxy user to edit clock but not the WBS entries on a timesheet
Enable Time Clock In/Out Edit- Proxy Ability to Modify Clock In/Out and full accessThis option allows a proxy user to modify WBS, total hours and the time clock in/out details on a timesheet
Clock In/Out Override User Access - Ability to modify WBS on clocked rows and Modify Clock In/OutThis option does not work on its own, it must be enabled in combination with "Enable Time Clock In/Out - Enable full timesheet edit" or "Enable Time Clock In/Out - Enable PTO/Holiday row edit". It Overrides the restrictions or allowances provided by these options, and it allows an end user to update the WBS entries and modify the clock/in clock out details, without being able to modify the total hours directly. The total hours can only be updated by editing the clock in/out entries.
Require the user to provide a Note on Save & Exit as Draft or SubmitRequires an end user to provide a note upon pressing the "Save as a Draft" or the "Submit" buttons
Allow Owner to route Timesheet to other ApproversAllow Owner to route Timesheet to additional Approvers
Disable owner from modifying In Approval Process Timesheet

Removes hyperlink from the report name so owner cannot access Timesheet while in

approval process

approval process

Note: If users are restricted from accessing the In Approval timesheet or if re-certification is required due to a proxy submitting the timesheet on their behalf, the 'Edit Open' option will be enabled, allowing the user to re-submit the request for further review.

Allow Owner to access approved TimesheetAllow Owner to access approved Timesheet
Allow Owner to fully adjust posted TimesheetAllow Owner to adjust posted Timesheet
Allow Owner to partial adjust posted Timesheet to add new rows/hours OnlyAllow Owner to adjust a posted timesheet to add a new row and add hours. The owner will not be able to adjust rows or hours that have been posted. 
Disable owner from modifying Released Timesheet

Removes hyperlink from the report name so owner cannot access Timesheet while in released Timesheet

Note: If users are restricted from accessing the Released timesheet or if re-certification is required due to a proxy submitting the timesheet on their behalf, the 'Edit Open' option will be enabled, allowing the user to re-submit the request for further review. 

Only WBS Approval View

Restricts approvers to only see lines they have been setup to approve on the WBS level vs viewing the entire timesheet. 


T&E Access - Only WBS Approval View (NOT ENABLED) Default

Joe is an approver for a client NexGen (Level 1) and he is team approver (supervisor) for Salome:

Joe will see all lines in the timesheets for Salome and for all the other users who have charged to NExGen. 

T&E Access - Only WBS Approval View (ENABLED)   

Kathy is an approver for Project A (level1) and she is team approver (supervisor) for Ryan:

Kathy will see all lines in the timesheets for Ryan ONLY. For all others, Kathy will only be able to see the hours charged to Project A  through the "By Project" link shown below.

He has the ability to toggle between the approval view by Employee or by WBS in this case Client.

View by Employee

WBS View
