Operating Unit, a Department, an Employee
Employee also has the following properties:
Employee ID
First Name
Mid Initial
Last Name
Employee Type (Such as Contractor, Full Time, Part Time , etc)
Hire Date
Termination Date
The following information is needed from APS and con can form part of a File Load.:
Employee_Number (Located in "???" in APS) - Employee ID number in API. Typically configured as other id in the DB employee setup.
Department - Department number in APS- tied with the employee
Hours Abbreviation - is the APS code that corresponds to a time code in DB
Dollar Abbreviation - is the APS code that corresponds with a reimbursable pay type in DB
The loads will validate to make sure all the required fields are provided in order for the employee to be active in DATABASICS.
We might Customers may have customers with back end account systems where it will become accounting systems that acts as the master record of the employee, and in that case, we will load APS Employee Number and map it to the existing employee data that we are getting from backend account systemsa system, such as Microsoft Dynamics, Sage Intacct, NetSuite, etc.