4. Download the CVS file to Downloads folder on your computer. Click Upload when you are ready. Once you have added your payroll file from DATABASICS to your import, select the appropriate file(s) using the check box and click Done. ADP Workforce Now will bring you back to your unprocessed payroll files.
Importing into ADP Workforce Now Payroll
To import into ADP, log into Workforce Now at workforcenow.adp.com. You will need to have Practitioner or Limited Practitioner rights.
You will need to begin by starting a new payroll cycle. If you have already done so, please skip these steps. Once you have started a new payroll cycle, or if you would like to import your data into an existing payroll cycle, select Process from the top navigation bar. The options will vary depending on your role within ADP Workforce Now. Select Utilities and choose Import. Then select Paydata. Upload the file Select your exported payroll file from DATABASICS that you already downloaded by clicking Add Files.
NOTE: DATABAICS has the ability to rollback a posted batch as long as it is not processed in ADP yet. You may need to contact support@data-basics.com or submit a ticket online to request a rollback to posted expense batch.