The Operating Unit is the highest level within an organization. Operating Unit can represent any type of cost center or company. An Operating Unit is unique across the entire organization. For example, Operating Unit may correspond to an organization’s "Divisions". Operating Unit is a required level of the Organization Breakdown.
Operating Unit
Lawson Activity Management contains the master records for DATABASICS Operating Unit. In Lawson this is the Company, GLSYSTEM data element. Databasics connects to the Lawson database through a utility called Remote Agent . For example, the Lawson table GLSYSTEM, AC550 extracts data to intermediate table ACDBSYSTEM, which TEAim maps back by a V_DB_OPERATING_UNIT. Then RemoteAgent loads/updates Operating Unit table in DATABASICS.
Operating Units may be broken down into Departments. Department represents an Employee’s administrative unit. Department IDs can be duplicated across Operating Units. For example, there can be an Accounting Department in each Operating Unit. Each Employee is assigned to one department. Lawson maps to Databasics’ departments through Lawson Accounting Units, GLNAMES data element. AC550 extracts data to intermediate table ACDBGLNAME.
The DATABASICS element Location is used to capture specific business sites or if specificity is not required, geographic or political consolidations. For example, different work/business rules may apply per Location with respect to the length of the workday, weekdays verses weekends, etc. Each employee is assigned to a default location, which can be changed during Time Entry on a per line basis. Lawson 8.0.1 maps to HR Location, PCODES data element. This will allow ability to override the HR location field at time record entry. Required for override of tax location for use with BSI tax locator feature in Lawson (drives tax calculation by location). AC550 extracts data to intermediate table ACDBLOCATE.
Employee is the lowest level of the Organization Structure and as noted above, Employees are assigned to one and only Department. This element is used to identify the actual users of the DATABASICS system. Lawson maps to DATABASICS’ employee through EMPLOYEEà ACDBEMPLY.
DATABASCS’s Vendor identifies time and expense reports from employees of outside organizations who are working under contract. Rules and reports can be driven off of Vendor. Lawson 8.0.1 maps to DATABASICS’s Vendor through ACEMPVEN → ACDBEEVEN. Lawson interface does not support subcontractors or employees outside of an organization. The use of vendors for the Lawson 8.0.1 interface is strictly for paying internal employees via Accounts Payable.